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E3 Update: ESA announces "reborn" (?) E3

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And on the third day, it is risen. And really shouldn't have bothered.

So the ESA have come out and said E3 is not dead. No, not at all, it's..."more intimate". Right.

Doug Lowenstein, Mr. E3, just finished announcing that E3 2007 will be a "more intimate program, including higher quality, more personal dialogue with the worldwide media, developers, retailers and other key industry audiences."

Why more "intimate"? Because, "E3Expo 2007 will not feature the large trade show environment of previous years."'s going to be all the closed-doors, NDA-secured, backroom shit we never get to hear about, and everything we DID get to hear about is no more. Well....forgive me if I am not shuddering with delight.

They can spin this as an "evolution" all they want, but for all intents, E3 is dead. Done. Thanks for the memories.

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