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Squid of Man

"I got your number...I steal your thunder...I got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm..."

No Earthsea Until 2009??!!

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If the rumours are to be believed, then yeah, 'fraid so. Apparantly there's some tussle over the rights to the original book and some rubbish mini-series being shown on the sci-fi channel in the US, so Tales From Earthsea is not going to hit Western theatres until 2009.

I'll allow you a moment to let the gravity of that news sink in.

On a brighter note, Hayao has said he's "full of fight" and believes he "cannot be beaten by his son", and has begun work on his next feature film. If that means a return to more epic story-telling along the lines of Nausicaa and Mononoke, then sign me up.

[In case you missed it, details on the life-and-death blood fued between Hayao and Goro Miyazaki can be found on the excellent]

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