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First Glimpse of Prime in Robot Mode?

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These have Photoshop written all over them. But, in the interests of fairness and that fact the AICN folk are going absolutely apeshit over them, here are two apparent "concept renders" of Optimus Prime from the upcoming Michael Bay film/disaster.

Obviously, Prime's elbow is going to play a big part in the movie, so i'm glad we got to see it first. It's not the kind of thing I want to go into the theatre not knowing what to expect.

It's also good to see the upper and lower halves of his face. Obviously he is taken hostage by Islamic extremists and held captive for the majority of the film, so with his eyes covered for two and a half hours it's nice to see so much work went into his antennas/ aerials /cybertronian hairpiece.

I call fake. Mainly because the top image is so damn obscure, and also because a render like this wouldn't have eyes conveniently obstructed.

In a rare bout of optimism, however, at least he's (primarily) red, and the half of his face we've seen looks somewhat faithful.

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