The Ubisoft Seven
Published Friday, August 04, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 

Ubisoft really like the looks of the Wii. Like, really like it. They've
announced they have seven titles currently in development for the system.
Seven. I remember the last time this happened to a Nintendo system.
Thanks Capcom.
The number is impressive; the games perhaps less so.
- Red Steel. Still looks a bit ho-hum. You remember in Alien Resurrection, how they find that room with all the failed Ripley's in it, all fucked up and broken? Yeah. Red Steel is looking like it'll be one of those. But for the Wii.
- Rayman Raving Rabbids. Has had some very, very funny trailers. And Michael Ancel is apparantly so hot right now. Why? Well, Beyond Good and Evil was awesome, but are people forgetting that King Kong was shit? And that we're talking about Rayman, perhaps the shittest and least enjoyable "big" platformer of the past ten years.
- Far Cry. Hmm. See Red Steel. But in the jungle. And God only knows how the Wii is going to handle the same jungle most mid-range PCs still can't do justice to.
- Blazing Angels. A port of the Xbox game. Yawn.
- Monster 4x4. A big truck racing game. Somebody please tell Ubisoft Nintendo are already making Excite Truck. The Nintendo fanboy ranks aren't going to buy one truck racer, let alone two. Maybe it was a typo. It sounds more like a budget PS2 game.
- Open Season. An adventure game. So slightly promising. And, ironically, based on a Sony movie.
- GT Pro Series. A new "racing IP". Yeah. You know what? Again, the care factor is very, very low.
I'd have rather seen one great game than seven average-to-shite ones. Of course, I haven't played any of these games. So I could be talking complete shit. But if Monster 4x4 takes the Wii by storm i'll eat whatever hat you can find and put in front of me.
The official Squid of Mantm verdict?
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