Wii to be playable in November
Published Tuesday, August 29, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 

Melbourne's two big gaming expos, the
eGames & Entertainment Expo (Nov 17-19) & the
Game1 Electronic Gaming Expo and Tournament (Nov 4-5 in Melbourne, and also Dec 2-3 in Sydney) have confirmed that the Wii will be there, in the flesh, and playable.
Does this hint at an Australian release date? Fuck knows. But if they're going to have
demo units in stores in October (maybe) and
then have them playable at expos in November, it's a safe bet the console will hit stores in one of those months.
Not really news, I know. But it's a slow week, and it's Wii-related, so...yeah.
The Age]
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