What do I normally think when I see somebody walking down the street wearing a gaming t-shirt?

Why? Because said shirt most likely falls into one of the following categories:
1) Piece of shit promo shirt that EB employees wear on their "days off" because it's "nerd chic". It's not.
2) Piece of shit black IT shirt, worn because the fat cunt wearing it is either broke after building his latest l33t rig, or lacks the sense to realise he's only compounding his social misery by "representing" a
graphics card manufacturer.
3) Piece of shit "
retro" shirt, most likely featuring some kind of random pixellated image from a C64 game, and most likely worn by ecstasy-riddled British people who know, and actually give a fuck, about the difference between "house" and "hard house".
If you're partial to a dapper t-shirt, however (and the Squid is
officially partial to a dapper t-shirt), and would like said shirt to reflect your love of the medium, there are viable options out there. Only two of them, mind you, but they are viable nonetheless.
People are all over KoG at the moment, which is odd. I'm no oracle, but i've known about these guys for years, and I would have thought "others" in the know would have been of a similar disposition. Seems not. Squid 1 - 0 "others".
They're a Japanese online retailer who specialise in "designer" gaming shirts, mostly Nintendo stuff (they carry the
official seal of approval) with just a pinch of Sega.
KoG are the best money can buy. Including shipping, it'll cost you around AUD$70 for
one shirt, which I grant you isn't cheap. Then again, I'd say this, which arrived on my desk last week via the lovely people at Japan Post, was worth
every fucking cent.
Yes. That's right. The copyright information is in Hylian.
The amount of love that goes into these things is amazing. The double-stitched bottom gives them a nice fit, the tags are all Mario power-up blocks and the shirts even come in replica Japanese Famicom game boxes.
HEAPS cheaper, and with broader inspirations than the big N. The "fashion wing" of the WotR indy mag do a bang-up job of crafting simple shirts based on the bestest bits from the bestest games. I picked up their Ico shirt last year and it was suitably satisfied with it that not only did I wear it, I wore it repeatedly. Nice felt transfers, too. None of this "screen printing" business.
They're a bit more hit-and-miss than KoG, with some designs that are quite shit ("Never Mind the Blocks?" ungh), but they hit just as often, and are nearly half the price of a KoG shirt. Total cost including shipping works out to around AUD$35, which I'd say was entirely reasonable for a fucking Phoenix Wright t-shirt.
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