David McLean mouths off
Published Tuesday, October 03, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post
From an interview David McLean, regional mouthpiece of Microsoft (since all he seems able to do is regurgitate North American press releases), with
The Age:
The Age: How family friendly can you call a console (Wii) that is $399 and possibly around $100 each for extra controllers?David McLean:
"I don't know it's going to be a problem for them this Christmas because of who's going to be buying them this Christmas, the early adopters. They already have a 360 and have put their money down for a PS3. But later on when its $399 plus the controllers... It still is cheaper than an Xbox 360 and a controller and a PlayStation 3 and an additional controller, but what you're not getting is true high def. "
"I reckon they're in a good place for the early adopter community, but I reckon it will change after that because it's not quite high definition gaming, and I don't know that there are enough other experiences around it. "
There you have it kids. You're not getting your money's worth if your generic, muscle-ridden FPS game isn't displaying in at
least 720p.
I wonder if he realises that the majority of gamers aren't playing 360 games in "true high def" either....
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