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Dead Rising impressions

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Dead Rising is some good shit. Zombies, crying women, zombies and chainsaws sure do make a good game.

A good game, yes. Maybe even an excellent one. And yet it is weighed down by niggling imperfections. Flaws, if you will. Let us weigh up both the pros and their diabolical counterparts, the cons, in an effort to determine a winner.

Pros: 55,000 zombies. Chainsaws. Crying women. Battle axes. Lawnmowers. Shotguns. Fat old lady zombies. Sledgehammers. Erotic photographs.

Cons: Otis. Otis' transmitter. Boss battles. Kick-ass weapons that disappear in your hands. Friendly "AI". Scarcity of save points. The inability to both operate a radio and jump at the same time. Otis' mama. appears the pros have it on points. And rightly so - that fucking transmitter might send you insane, as will anyone you attempt to rescue (ie be unable to help and thus condemn to a bloody, awful death), but come on. There are 55,000 zombies and a mall's worth of weapons with which to dispose of them. Just five minutes with the lawnmower makes this thing worth whatever price it is you paid for it.

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