Aussie Xbox boss sticks the boot in
Published Wednesday, September 13, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 

David McLean, Regional Director for Xbox Australia, went on record yesterday to "officially" kick Sony while they're down.
“(The PS3 delay) doesn’t surprise me. And it further wouldn’t surprise me if this product wasn’t seen in March next year either,” he told
Gamespot in an interview yesterday.
He then proceeds to [insert corporate boasting here], and comes across looking like a right smug little cunt.
I can't help but wonder what the games industry would be like if it were run by actual
adults instead of testosterone-fuelled, dick-comparing
fucknuts. If the heads of Ford and GM, or Boeing and Airbus, carried on like this there'd be an outcry.
David: pull your head in. We all know the 360 has a free ride in Australia this Christmas, you don't need to go mouthing off to emphasise the fact.
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