Steering Wii-el?
Published Saturday, September 09, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 
IGN got the scoop on Ubisoft's new steering wheel peripheral yesterday, and I really like the look of the thing.
It's just a shell, so any Wii game that involves driving can use it, so you won't get shafted on compatability. It also means you can use it for games that only partially use driving, which is also cool (use the Wiimote normally for action sequences, then just pause it and clip on the wheel for a driving stage).
Best of all, it's free, because it's coming bundled with GT Pro Series, one of Ubisoft's seven Wii launch titles. I kinda hope you can buy it seperately, though, since...well, GT Pro Series looks a bit crap.
EDIT (15 Sep): It has since come to my attention that this wheel does not have a base. So it's just a doughnut that you wiggle around madly in mid-air, which defeats the purpose of having the wheel altogether. The
Official Squid of Man verdict has consequently been revised from "nice" to "
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