PS3 - From "joke" to "farce"
Published Wednesday, September 06, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 

Official Squid of Man Prediction was wrong. I console myself with the fact that I shouldn't have trusted anyone from the Electronics Boutique Corporation, and that with most major retailers displaying massive "November 17" posters I am not alone.
Sony themselves have
announced that they aren't limiting the Australian release. They've canned it altogether. Europe and Australia are getting the royal shaft this Christmas, the victims of Sony's "blue laser diode" production woes.
We won't see the PS3 until March 2007. That's a full twelve months after the 360, and 4-5 months after the Wii. It also misses the Christmas spending season.
Twelve months ago, you couldn't have
written shit like this.
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