- Buy Video Games for Consoles and PC - From Japan, Korea and other Regions!

Squid of Man

"I got your number...I steal your thunder...I got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm..."

So...the Wii, huh?

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You all know the date, price, package, etc.

It's...well, it's great that the Wii is on its way. It's no longer a distant blip on the radar, it's something that exists, it will be out soon and we will actually be playing it.

That is the good news.

The bad news is that...well, for Australia especially, it's a bit fucking cheeky asking us to pay $400 for the thing, bundled game or not. And it's even cheekier to ask us to fork out $80 for a "complete" controller, especially when you're going to want four of them.

Don't get me wrong, it's great that it's significantly cheaper than the 360, and you can get 2.5 of them for the price of a PS3. But we all know what's under the hood of this thing, Nintendo, and an angrier Gamecube with a magic wand is not sufficient cause to charge us $400.

Which would be a poignant statement for me to make, were I not already planning my camping spot for the midnight launch. Just know that I will be lining up...well, no, I won't be even the slightest bit angry.

Which is why they're charging $400 for it. Bravo, Nintendo. Well played.

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