I know, I know, all this PS3-bashing is getting a bit old.
Passe, even. There's only so many things that could go wrong with it before we all assume a semi-permanent state of apathy, and just ignore the thing until either a Team Ico game surfaces, or it doesn't cost me a fortnights pay.
But sometimes...well, sometimes the urge to give them one last kick is just too strong to resist. Wired scored an
interview with Sony's "unholy trinity": Ken Kutaragi, US president Kaz Hirai, and worldwide studios head Phil Harrison, and boy did it entertain. If by entertain, of course, you mean
reveal itself to be riddled to the core with lies upon untold layers of lies.
Wired: Why won't the US price of PS3 be lowered along with the Japanese price?
Phil Harrison: We started by calculating the price for the US and European territories by looking at what consumers considered the 'magic price points'. In these territories, the prices we announced were very well accepted.
"Very well accepted"? I could choke myself to
death on hyperbole, and still not come close to denting that irrefutable piece of steaming frog shit. To use my second wartime analogy of the week, that's tantamount to saying the holocaust was "very well accepted" within the Jewish community.
Kaz Hirai continues the madness when he takes the mic:
Wired: Will the PS3 include component video cables in the box?
Kaz Hirai: I'm not sure, but I think the answer might be "no."
You're "not sure"? Kaz, Kaz, Kaz...you're the US President of Sony Computer Entertainment. You have a rather important piece of hardware launching in under two months. You know exactly what's going in those boxes. And you know it won't be component cables.
$1000 for a PS3, the flagship for Blu-Ray and 1080p gaming, and it looks like it's shipping with
composite cables. Jesus
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