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"I got your number...I steal your thunder...I got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm..."

Mastodon: Blood Mountain

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I was waiting for it. Leviathan had earned them some serious cred, and appearances on the soundtracks to shit like Madden and Need for Speed pointed towards two things: a swift sell-out, and a third album that would be an over-produced pile of shit.

Sometimes, it's awesome to be wrong.

Blood Mountain is fucking fantastic. It suffers the same fate as Leviathan, in that it's a tad too shiny and clean compared to the fury of Lifesblood and Remission, but that's a tiny gripe. It's still metal as fuck, with Troy Sanders' voice now all over the place, from doom to hair metal and back again.

Buy it, borrow it, download it, it doesn't matter, as long as you listen to it and realise Mastodon are the best thing to happen to metal in around a decade.

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