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Europe "dont mind" waiting

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What the fuck is wrong with you people? Huh, Sony? Are you even listening anymore? Or are you too busy powdering your faggoty French face while you slither "oh, let them eat cake"?

SCE Europe VP Jamie MacDonald sat down for an interview with yesterday, and was quizzed about what European's (and I guess us by association - GO TEAM PAL) thoughts were on always getting Sony hardware last.

His answer? Oh, I won't spoil it for you by paraphrasing. It's so delicious you simply must sample it for yourself: What would you say to consumers who like Sony and want to buy your products, but perhaps feel that because they're in Europe they're always last in line?

JMacD: European consumers have shown that historically they don't mind that, because they end up buying as many PlayStations, if not more, than the US and Japan. In Europe, it doesn't seem that the release of our platforms after the US and Japan - in the long run - affects how consumers feel.

I shit you not. They "don't mind". It's not even "spin" anymore. It's arrogance masquearading as a blend of ignorance and denial. The last time shit this bad went down in Europe, heads rolled in Paris. We can only pray for a similar outcome this time around.

The last time such outrage was met with such indifferent arrogance in Europe

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