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Mos Def, Jack Black to Star in "Be Kind, Rewind"

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Blackfilm have news that Mos Def and Jack Black have signed on to star in Michel Gondry's Be Kind Rewind, a movie that sounds a lot like a 2006 "update" of Vidiot or Hollywood Shuffle.

Through some comedic mishap, Black's head becomes magnetised, and when he walks into a video store (owned by his friend, played by Mos Def) it erases everything on all the tapes. The store only has one regular customer, a sweet old lady suffering from dementia, so for some godforesaken reason the two decide to re-enact scenes from a whole bunch of films.

The premise itself is a bit weak. The bitch can go rent from another store. But it's the actors and the films they attempt that are going to make or break this film. Jack Black and Mos Def are a good start. Some of the films they'll be "re-creating"? Lion King, Back to the Future and Robocop.

Mos Def as Robocop? Sign me up, motherfucker. That is awesome.

[via cinematical]

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