Zelda Movie Announced!
Published Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 

Well, I guess it was just a matter of time. Despite repeated assurances by Nintendo that it had "no plans" to allow a Zelda film, it's now clear that not only has the project been green-lit, but it has a director and cast onboard and has even begun preliminary shooting.
Joel Musch has been penned to bring the legend to the big screen, and David Blane will amazingly not only produce, but also star as Link. Also on-board is Hannah Fierman, who beat out Lindsay Lohan for the coveted role of Princess Zelda (Lohan was reportedly "
furious" at the decision).
Musch is still "undecided" on whether the film will be released in theatres.
Blane, a surprising choice as producer (Peter Jackson and James Cameron were both overlooked in favour of the Atlanta native), had the following to say about the gruelling pre-production schedule:
"We didn’t want any of the film to look like it was shot in or anywhere around Atlanta; which it was. We had all sorts of shooting preferences before we started. Such as, no broad daylight, no pine trees, no power lines, cars and airplanes etc. "
Of special note for hardcore fans is that the crew has already ammassed over 30 hours of documentary footage, which should make the inevitable "collectors edition" of the film a must-have.
For more information, including the first teaser trailer and a whole bunch of photos from the set, visit the official site here.
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