More Transformers Lies!
Published Monday, July 17, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 

The treachery continues unabated!
Hasbro have
just announced a new "Transformers Classics" line of figures, intended to "pay a special tribute to the rich history captured in the saga that is MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE".
I don't know about you, but that's a straight fucking lie.
See exhibit A, to your right. "Megatron". Lies.
The figures are supposed to portray "a more comparable appearance to the character seen on the original TV show and animated movie".

Again, lies. See exhibit B, to your left. I had no idea I had been mistaken all this time. I had no idea that Optimus Prime was in fact Ned Flander's RV with the four seperate burners for the four seperate pieces of the chicken.
It's not the re-designs that are the issue. Prime now has a yellow head and uses a sword to fight mini-cons or some shit, and I can deal with that. But telling us these are meant to be the closest thing to the original cartoon series? No dice. That's a
Megatron was not a fucking
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.