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Squid of Man

"I got your number...I steal your thunder...I got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm..."

Nintendo Heads West

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Ah, Nintendo.

You promise me a day where I can meet Mario for realz, get Animal Crossing shit for free and generally just revel in an orgy of fanboyism.

Then you tell me I have to cross the entire fucking city, braving the cultural wastelands of the western fringes, to get there.


Fuck you, Nintendo.

If I get shot, get my wallet stolen or my car gets "jacked", i'm blaming you, Reggie. I'll take your name and your ass, you putz.

1 Responses to “Nintendo Heads West”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

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