Amazing Screw-On Head Pilot Episode
Published Saturday, July 15, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 

I knew the Amazing Screw-On Head cartoon that was announced a while back was going to be a more faithful adaptation than the Hellboy movie. That wasn't going to be very hard.
What was entirely unexpected was just how insanely good this thing is. The entire pilot episode is up over Go and watch it. Right now.
Paul Giamatti is perfect as Screw-on Head, as is David Hyde Pierce as Emperor Zombie. The pilot largely follows the same plot as the comic, with a few additions and tweaks made to establish the story for the series to continue from.
What's best, though, is just how literally the animators have translated Mignola's style. Seeing it all in motion brings a tear to the eye if you're a fan of Mignola, with the only downside being it really gets you longing for a series of Hellboy shorts in the same style.
There is lots of stabbing and cool shit going on, and possibly the greatest animated scene involving smoking ever. Plus, all the best one-liners have made it, including the timeless, "Anything. So long as we have progress".
Genius. Check it out, then make sure you vote in the survey to make sure we get a whole series of this thing.
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