Are You there, Nintendo?
Published Saturday, July 15, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 

Like 1,243,983 other available-only-on-the-internet, non-retail games out there,
Cloud, the product of a
bunch of American college students with the help of some grants money and EA, is a game I'd never heard of.
Damn, I wish I had earlier.
It's just...beautiful. The perfect antidote to a gaming calendar dominated by next-gen games about big men with guns.
You Around a stunning world that's bringing back a lot of happy Wind Waker memories. Making the link with Wind Waker brought me to the next logical step:
Nintendo? EA? You there? Give these kids some more money and bring this thing to the Wii. It's exactly the kind of thing the console is pitched at. Offer it up on the Virtual Console and get it running with the Wiimote.
It'd be perfect.
You can download Cloud for the PC here.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.