Dig a little deeper, Michael...
Published Friday, October 13, 2006 by Squid of Man | E-mail this post 

So, last week, Australian Playstation boss Michael Ephraim played the good corporate shrill and said something stupid about Microsoft and Nintendo. Something
so stupid, in fact, it propelled the otherwise
anonymous local man into something of an internet
cause celebre: he said he was worried they were
too expensive.
Way to go, Michael.
Today, he's gone one better. Again, in keeping with what I'm presuming is now
official corporate policy, he
supported this initial remark with something
even stupider: "Sorry you didn't have the opportunity to buy a PS3 this year, but I'm sure it beats lining up in a queue for hours on end only to be told the store has sold out."
What. The.
Fuck? Not getting a PS3 beats lining up for...what? Is he talking about the Wii and 360, which have millions upon millions of units on deck and will be readily available? No, he can't be. I mean...that's about as obviously wrong as it gets. Is...he...well...shit, I think he actually might be.
Michael, you need to go and
shut the fuck up. Your console is launching at
$1000 and is going to be at least
five months late. That's bad enough PR as it is, you don't need to go making yourself look like a complete ass by
making shit up.
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