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Wii component cables available online only?

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Say it ain't so, Nintendo.

This is just going too far. I grudgingly accepted the lack of HD support for the Wii, and am finding ways to deal with the lack of Dolby Digital. But forcing me to buy my component cable online? You're telling me that on December 7, when I diligently pick up my launch-day console, i'm going to have to play it on my 32" HDTV using composite cables?

Fuck you, Nintendo. If you're not including component cables (which you understandably are not) in the box, the least you could do is let me purchase the cables at the same time.

Of course, as you are probably aware, Nintendo Australia don't even have an online store. Which means there's a tiny chance we will see the cables in stores. Or, more likely, that we'll have to order them over the phone.

If that doesn't poignantly summarise just how fucking backwards Nintendo Australia are, you don't know what poignant means.

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